Monday, August 1, 2016

Lifes Weird Little Side notes.

Freedom it is such a cherished concept in the west, it is held to be one of the cornerstones of society.

People have always fought about freedom. People have either fought for it or fought against it .
 I will die to have to have freedom , or  The powerful attempt to suppress freedom because it supplant them from place in society and strip them of power and influence.

Freedom is not a concept anyone can ever be neutral over or compromise on one either is free or oppressed there is no middle ground or grey area.  Yet there are levels of freedom and like most things how free you are is determined by your society, culture gender and class.

Sadly it  is when people mistake freedom for Anarchy it becomes a travesty. In society total freedom
actions with no consequences. A " do your own thing it doesn't matter who it impacts" would quickly bring down society not uplift it.

It ironic that people cherishing the belief anarchy and freedom are interchangeable are usually the most disenfranchised and most likely to be exploited if the rule of law fails.  I don't embrace the rule of law because I fear freedom. I understand without the rule of law based on  duty and inter related obligations between a  people and one another and their government there is no free society .

We work to be honest and upright in ourselves to live free without oppressing others, the best way I can live free by respecting the freedom of others as important to my own personal freedom.

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